How to Write Title Tags for Mobile Search

Optimizing for mobile search is more important than ever. Set yourself up for search success by getting into a mobile mentality when marketing your business. Considering the title tag is still one of the most influential on-page SEO signals, one of the first steps toward mobile SEO should be to optimize your titles for the mobile screen.

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Site speed affects conversions, experience, and rankings

The Importance of Site Speed and How to Improve It

In a tech age where everything is getting smaller and faster, it is important for companies to compete in the realm of speed. Why, you may ask? Because that is the direction the Internet is going — demanding even — and you don’t want to be left behind in a sea of sub-par slow-loading websites. There are 2 main reasons why site speed is so important.

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Hello, World!

Hello, World! VereNorth’s Inaugural Post

We just couldn’t raise our hands to edit the title of this post. The words “Hello, World” are synonymous to the Internet and computer language as a painters first stroke, or a baby’s first step. I remember many moons ago, my first few lines of HTML and Javascript in school. All to generate an ugly popup window that greeted the world. 16 or so years later, kids are still starting off the same way in school but in more languages. We figured let’s continue the tradition, so this post is VereNorth’s “Hello, World!”

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